Saturday 23 March 2019

Batchelor & Darwin, NT.

A visit to Batchelor museum. As we have visited Darwin several times before, not much new to report on, especially with cyclone Trevor around. So just a few pictures on this blog, whilst we are waiting to start our new jobs for the season. 1st April.

Havlik Park. There was a lump of rock here & the gardener Bernie Havlik, decided to make a castle from his homeland in Eastern Europe.

Batchelor Museum, Room 4 as they were in the 1950's. This was the single women's quarters & was affectionately known as the virgin villa's or Nunnery.

Far nicer than my room as a child.

Malleys Esky made 1884. Malley's registered the name Esky in 1961. 

The waterfront Darwin.

Steve enjoying the vista.  

Arrhhh Steve in the shade of the trees.

Cyclone Trevor or just a Top End storm.

Waves in Darwin!

Steve up the observation Tower for the gun emplacement.

Stunning colours.

King Fisher. 

This would make a perfect cottage.

Agile Wallabies, enjoying a feed.

Cullen Bay for coffee.

Rain, rain and more rain.

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