Tuesday 5 March 2019

Port Douglas, FNQ to Normanton Gulf Country.

I (Dee) finished work at Coconut Grove, Port Douglas on Sunday, Monday morning we leave Port Douglas and head up the range, to the tablelands.

Coconut Grove.

Private plunge pool & Spa at Coconut Grove.

Coconut Grove.

The pool on a penthouse apartment.

Farewell Port Douglas.

The highest road in Queensland 1126m. (In the rain & wind).  

Free camping 23 k West of Mt Surprise.
Casey Lookout- Incredible!!

Single lane - carriageway most of today.

What an amazing day on the road, which we hadn't travelled on before.  We saw Black Cockies, 8 x Goanna's, cattle by the hundreds, Jabiru's, Egrets, Bustards, Brolgas and many other birds. I cannot explain how stunning this country is, the vastness cannot be captured in a picture, the rivers all having been flooding in the last 4 weeks, the greenness and the devastation that has been left behind. 

Cumberland Chimney.

Lillie's everywhere.

Perfect for birdwatching. 

This Goanna was about three to four foot, with white spots. 

Gilbert River.

Gilbert River.

Another Goanna.


Croydon The Old Town Hall.

Club Hotel - Croydon.

Norman River.

Storm clouds brewing over the green bush.

What a wonderful world we live in!!

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