Wednesday 13 March 2019

Normanton to Katherine. NT.

Leaving Normanton we head down to the Barkly Highway. The scenery was stunning, until we saw the devastation the recent floods have caused. We drove for over 100k where the flood water had been over the 3 tier fence, at one bridge the water had been 16 metres over the road. The poor cattle that perished (approximately 500,000) had no chance as the lie of the land is completely flat! Now the farmers have lush green grass and no cattle.

No cattle to be seen here. 

The fencing covered in debris from the floods.


We hit an area with good healthy cattle.


We did a free camp at Terry Smith Lookout. Terry Smith was a mailman. Apart from the flies, it was great.

Sunset at the Terry Smith Lookout. 

Most of the flood water has gone now, even the river beds are dry.

Along our trip, we have seen Snakes, several Goannas, Camels, horses, cattle, Dingo, budgies & other bird life. We travel through Cloncurry, along the Barkly highway and take a turn up the tablelands highway towards Cape Crawford. Part of the Barkly Tablelands, was so baron and dry, cattle were dying before our eyes- extremely sad, here they had not had any rain and yet 2 days drive before the farmers had to much rain! It's a cruel world we live in. A free camp on the Tablelands Highway, resulted in us seeing an amazing dry lighting storm for several hours. Did I mention the fly's, millions of them- horrible!! As we got closer to Cape Crawford, the rock formations, lush green grass got longer. We drove for 4 hours and met no other traffic- this we love!

Barkly Tablelands. 

Further on and a little grass. 

Single way carriage, which we shared with the cattle.


Next we hid the dirt.

Some nice road works to dirty the van. 

Look at this big boy cooling himself at Heartbreak hotel.

Another handsome fella.

Storm clouds & rainbows.

Next we got hit by a big storm and gust's of wind up to 94k.

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