Wednesday 11 November 2020


We have spend several days in Carnarvon as it was extremely windy on the coast. We needed to get the ute serviced. Carnarvon produces 80% of WA fruit and vegetables. Also known for excellent seafood. Steve did get some very nice King prawns. Carnarvon was the first location in Australia to grow Bananas. 

Steve watching the world go by on the foreshore.

The Fascine at Carnarvon.

An old wooden boat moored.

The wooden Jetty to the heritage centre,

A nice 5k return walk.

No  one else around.

Steve waiting on a tram......

This is a lovely pub.

These flowers glistened in the sun light.

Some old things!

Heritage museum.

One Mile Jetty.

Flowers on the marshland.

Looking back at town.

We did the "Fruit Loop Drive"


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