Tuesday 24 November 2020

Wave rock & surrounding area. WA

                                          We visited the memories of yesteryear museum.

My Pram!

Steve's mini Penny Farthing.

Bottle collection some from 1870.

The grocery store purchased from a closing Kalgoorlie store.

On the bottom left hand corner of this box it says - Warning if you like firm breasts, light cooking is best!

10,000 pieces displayed in the series of the Great Wars. This collection was put together by Alex Smith.  Alex Smith started is collection as a 5 year old and he came from Busselton. At the age of 88 Alex came to Wave Rock to put the display together.

Fifty percent of the collection was made from moulds, in early times these were made from plaster of paris and later silcon.

Coronation of Queen Elizabeth ii of England 1953.

Very currant for Covid 19.

The Lace shop display.

Nottingham Lace.

A great display.

Next the café & Wild flower display.

Beautiful Butterflies.

Dried flowers.

Loved this kettle over the fire.

Onwards to the Wildlife Park.


Lots of old things!

Pretty cute.

Steve could just reach to stroke the camel.

This Emu chased us,

Stunning Bird.

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