Tuesday 24 November 2020

Wave Rock - Hyden. WA

Finally we get to see this magnificent rock........and many more rocks.......

Wave Rock is a granite cliff, is 15 metres high & 110 metres long. Its rounded like shape has been caused by weathering and water erosion, which has under cut the base and left a rounded overhang. In 1960 crystal's from Hyden Rock were dated as being 2700 million years old, amongst the oldest in Australia.  

Me at Wave Rock.

Steve at mini wave rock.

Climbing Hayden Rock.

Views of the salt lake.

On Hippo's Yawn walk.

Beautiful Bottle Bush.

Massive Crack.

Rock holes and formations.

Steve at Hippos Yawn Rock.

Me at Hippos Yawn Rock.

Twin Rocks.

Snake head skin.

Steve at Wave Rock.

Steve surfing the wave.

Steve sat on the rock.

Steve sleeping on the Wave.

Me Waving at Wave Rock.

We climbed Hayden Rock and did the walk. The views were spectacular.

Steve in the hole.

We totally loved it!

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