Wednesday 2 June 2021

Wullo River Station 15 - NT.

More great days at this stunning location...........

Dinner tonight.

Dinner for eight.

The glow after sunset.

BBQ Night.

The grass and giant moon.

Full moon.

Total eclipse tonight.


Sunset scenery.

The lie of the land.

Loren,  Sheila & Mick.

This week has been The Ord Valley Muster. Which is a week long festival in and around Kunnara.
Our station added a lunch for 30 guests to fly in and enjoy the luxury.

A relaxing area to sit.

The tables are ready to go.

Surprising what we can do.

A bed sheet & a bit of old hessian!

Dryed flowers from the land.

Sheilas little display.

The water station didn't get touched.

This was a fantastic day, the guests had a ball and loved it. Us - the staff worked extremely hard for the guests, however we also loved the variety.

Time to take a helicopter to some of Bullo's  private waterfalls. I went with Loren & Sheila for a girls day out.

Cascade's Waterfall.

Cascades - Nice.

A Gorge.

The drive way.

The Bullo River.

Croc alert.

Several Crocs in the shallows.

The horses are used to the chopper.

Me, Sheila & Loren.

Bottom pool at Bullo Sands.

This is from the waterfall, a lot of the water must be under the rocks.


Bullo Sands.

Bullo Sands.

An amazing swimming area.

Loren, Sheila & I.



Loren, Sheila & I.

Loren, Sheila & I.

Loren & I at a secluded beach.

Will we make it out of the gorge?

Made it!

Vast space.

The Bullo River.
The Homestead.

Sheds & Staff area. (Radnor's camp)

The guest pool.

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