Friday 11 June 2021

Wullo River Station 17 - NT. (Horse back).

An incredible couple of days. Firstly most of the station helped out for half a day in the yards, this was great for all involved.
Next I went out in a Buggy with the boss, to get a killer, which I helped skin. (No pictures).
Our day off, Steve & I got to ride horses all day and be ringers!!

Our horses are done for the day.

Steve tailing the Weaners.

Me tailing the weaners.

Steve digging the weaners out.

This Cowboy looks a little soar!

Firstly in the small yards, we educate the young cattle. We ride between the weaners fast & slow, try to touch them. We want them to be calm when they are in the yards, not stressed. Music can be played.  Gradually we move them to larger outer yards. Finally a small paddock, if we can't keep them together as a mob, they are not ready to be walked out to their grazing area. We will take them back to the small yards for more training. We also sit on horse's and just hold them in a group.

Beacon having a scratch.

Holding the mob, until they settle down.

Us holding the mob & Erin walking between them.

This cowboy has control of the mob.

My horse is ready for action, if any try and break away.

Steve on Beacon.

On the wing.

Steve & I after a long day in the saddle, heading back to the yards & still smiling.

Me, Erin, Steve, Richard & Ainslee heading out for the days work as ringers!

Me & Steve in the yards.

Me working the weaners.

Sunrise, rounding up the horses.


# Our inner yards hold 2500 head of cattle.
# It cost"s 7 cents per day to rear/keep cattle, on average.
# At present, beef is just over $4 per kg -which is very good.
# The agents that buy our cattle pay for the ships by the metre & ships have to be balanced.
# Perfect weight for shipping is 300kg, to fill a ship they will take from 280kg.
# The receiving countries will fatten the cattle.
# Back lining is a chemical spray to stop ticks.
# Ear Mark clippers are not unique to each station, yet we make them unique by where we place the mark, one on each ear or just on one ear.
# De-horning can be messy and we spray with disinfectant.
# Any larger cattle with horns, we just cut the tips off.
# Castrating, doesn't seem to bother most Bulls/steers.
# Ear tags - one per animal.
# Branding - doesn't hurt as long as you don't hold it on to long.(2-3 seconds).
# Our budgets are affected by new & old branded  cattle.
# Steers are also injected with a growth hormone into their ears, under the skin.
# They also have an injection into the shoulder for Botulism.
# Salt licks, keeps animal's healthy with minerals & stops birth defects.

                   All I can say it has been incredible to be involved in the station life!

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