Saturday 5 June 2021

Wullo River Station 16. - NT.

I have managed to see a little more action in the yards and was also invited in to help/watch.
Also I will add to this post some random pictures from my phone.

Steve had to go out bob tail and pick up trailers.

Black headed Python.

Kent Saddlery brought their shop on wheels to us.
Kent Saddlery is a family business for over 30 years, they only go into stations. I think every staff member brought something.

Erin didn't have time to drop of the horses, she just came on horse back.

Bob tail at Bullo gates.

Road train heading out.

I went on a very hot walk to Billabong one.

Billabong one.

The bird life was amazing.

Still very wet & green.

We spooked the cattle, they didn't like us being in their paddock.

We should be ok, walking through this lot?

A few hours with the ringers & cattle before my shift - to get my fix!

Me. The cattle are safely in the Lane way.

Me making sure none of the bush cattle escape.

The Bulls being walked out to the grave yard paddock.

Its amazing have difficult it is to have cattle in the yards, you just want them to move through a gate way into another yard, whilst we move other cattle. This took a little while,
they just don't seem to see the opening. 

Nearly, move along.

Making a run for it!

Break aways!

Yes this time?

"Git along now" & "Have a look" some of my favourite sayings, I hear the ringers call.

Ainslee happy to have me along! 

Tailing the ringers! lol


Catherine calling the orders.

Tailing in the buggy.


Bush cows - a bit rough for our station.

Station Managers wife - Catherine.

Ringers moving the horse.

Love this picture- the angles.

Our 2021 team - except Kate my boss.

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