Thursday 25 December 2014

Longreach. QLD.

We set up in Longreach for our Christmas holiday and a place with a pool (Desperately needed)!! Christmas eve we spend at the Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame & Heritage Centre, we were here for 5 hours and return on boxing day for an other couple of hours. There is a lot of reading to be done, however we both found it so interesting and after the many things we have seen on our trip, brings a lot of information together. One man "Hugh Sawrey" (1974) had the vision to create a memorial to the pioneers of the Australian Outback & preserve the Outback's very rich cultural heritage.  There are six main galleries to the centre, Discovery, Pioneers, Outback properties, Royal Flying Doctors, Stock Workers & Hugh Sawrey Art Gallery Information Centre & Library.
Longreach seems a nice friendly outback town.

An outback Store.

Steve with an old cart, normally pulled by Bullocks. 

Many different bells, cadamine bells, Cow bells etc

We thought we were the first Evans to explore this stunning land, but no George Evans was one of the first pioneers in 1871. (We must be related).

The tracks & routes of the first pioneers.

Very similar to my necklace?
A horse statue made by chains.


Steve with various types of saddles.

Me at The Stockman's Hall of fame.


Christmas day by the pool.



Brolga's wandering around town.

Look at this mop, sheltering from the heat in the new skate park. 

Look at these beauties having a look at me!! 

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