Thursday 11 December 2014

Sugar Cane update 11th December 14.

Since my last update, there has been several derailments, however just last week they had another large one, with about 12 carriages tipped of the track and shut the mill for about 36 hours.
The rain has not arrived yet, so the mill is able to keep crushing as they are way behind on there tonnage. The mill still seems to break down every couple of days and once it stops they struggle to get it going again. In fact we recently had a breakdown of 4 days.
They say they will keep crushing after Christmas, but we won't be here to see that (if it ever happens).

Crush figures- The Mossman Mill hit the 1million tonne yesterday, so a big celebration!!
They are still way behind and farmers are expect to have 16 to 20 precent carried over for next year, which will not please them. 

These are upright but badly damaged.

Look at all the spilled Cane.

The track, the cause of the derailment?

Broken bins and sugar cane everywhere. (Steve happy to have a day off).

Bins every where.
Now for some random pictures Steve has taken whilst out in his truck................
A baby Coconut. 





Sunrise on the tablelands, with hot air balloons.

Driving through Banana Plantations.

A friendly stick insect.

The view from one of the Penthouses at Coconut Grove.(Dee's work place)

Steve's currant truck.

Nice Shot!!! Is it Steve's halo shinning so brightly!! lol

Calves trying to stay cool as the sun comes up.

Balloona eclipse.

Balloona eclipse.

Balloona eclipse.

Balloona eclipse.


This is close you have to get to pick bins up.
So at the end of Steve's Sugar Cane season 14th December 2014.
Steve had used 90,281 Litres of fuel and covered 150,458.5 klm's. 

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