Sunday 21 December 2014

Mt Molloy & Chillagoe. Qld.

At last we are on the move again, we leave Mossman behind and head up the range for a leisurely breakfast at Mt Molloy.
A quick stop at Dimbulah, a pub stop at Almandan and on to Chillagoe.  We really liked Chillagoe, a great outback town, the Post office hotel was a delight to stop and have a drink at. The caves were some of the best caves we have seen, truly amazing, the Old State Smelters Ruins was excellent, the creek the best swim hole. Around Chillagoe there are over 600 cave systems, some are free to explore, the balancing rock, was just that.  We loved our time at Chillagoe!!
For our 3 nights in Chillagoe, we had stunning lighting storms each night!!

A pretty pond in Mt Molloy.

Steve at Dimbulah Railway Station.

Me on wheel barrow way tourist drive.

On the move over Eureka Creek. 

Petford Railway Station.

Steve with the old water tower, that did supply the railway.

Almaden Railway Station.

Steve would have liked this turned into a rug!! 

A nice pub at Almaden.

Marble Quarries everywhere.

All those blocks of marble. 

Me on a marble block. 


The surrounding topography.

Us at the Old State Smelters.

The Landscape.

The 3 chimneys at the Old State Smelters.

Steve found a cool place.

Steve at Donna Cave.


Donna Cave.

Sharks teeth in Donnas Cave.

Inside Donna Cave.

Me in some curtains. (Donna Cave).

The Coral effect of the rock.

A cave huntsman.

Donna Cave.

Steve heading into Pompeii Cave.

Steve at the bottom of Pompeii Cave.

Steve heading into Bauhinia Cave.

The view from Trezkinn lookout. 

Steve at Trezkinn Lookout.

A bloodwood tree, good for toothache.

The Balancing Rock.

The Royal Arch Cave.

Steve in the laundry Shute.

A friendly face on our walk.

Wild flowers in the middle of nowhere.

The dry land surrounded by rocky outcrops.

The weather stone!!

Mungana Caves.

Mungana Caves.

Mungana Caves a delight to explore.
Tom Prior motor collection, a must for anyone visiting Chillagoe, cheaper fuel and a dear old man with a very strong passion, he started many trucks and showed us manuals etc. (Everything works).

Tom had been out delivering aviation fuel in this truck this morning.

We took a 4wd track up to Ruddy Gore, for some amazing views.

A swim hole if you are brave??

An Azure King Fisher.

Me in my infinity pool!!

What a fantastic way to cool off.

A friendly face on the footy oval.

The dry, burnt, harsh environment.

Slimmers world for cattle- very sad.

At last a little water.

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