Saturday 28 October 2017

Cradle Mountain (3) Tasmania.

Up early and catch the bus to Dove Lake (934M), where our walk begins today. Dove Lake to Marion's look out - this route is more direct, yet very rough terrain & extremely steep! Next Marion's look out  via the Overland track  to Cradle Plateau (1300m high). A variety of alpine plants can be seen here - cushion plants, alpine daisies & pineapple grass. More importantly we are up above some snow, and had to trek through three snow fields, which would have been sooooooo exciting, had it not of been so cold and windy! We have a quick look at the kitchen hut. Now we are on our final leg to Cradle Mountain Summit-  - it's so cold and windy, time to cling on!!
I progressed slowly up the summit track and decided to turn back, as freezing, extreme wind gusts and I was worried my little legs wouldn't make it all the way back. I head back to the kitchen hut for my lunch and to wait for Steve.
Steve progresses up the final track to the summit, the cloud is very low and black. Steve was clinging & scrambling over huge dolerite boulders and the wind was horrendous, this and very little visibility. It really wasn't a pleasant environment to be in.
Lunch back at the kitchen hut, onto Marion's look out, back to Ronny creek via Crater lake  (1034m).
some very pretty waterfalls and plenty of Wombats to be seen!
Todays distances total Steve 18.5km. Me 17km. A lot of steep climbs. They are expecting more snow this week!!!

Me making the climb.

Excellent topography.

Nice Vista.

Me lagging behind as always.

Splendid scenery.


Me at Marion's look out - starting to get windy now.

The snow through the bushes, actually below us now.(Dove Lake in the distance)

Me & snow, getting cold now.

Getting closer, Cradle Mountain.


Crossing the snow field.

Me in the snow.


Low cloud - not good.

The kitchen hut, just below the Summit.

Lunch stop. (anything to get out of the wind).

Views near the summit.

Very poor visibility.


Happy to be on the way back down, but am soooo cold.

Crater Lake Boat house.

Steve on the way down, heading to Ronny creek.

Lots of pretty water falls.

Cascading water from the Mountains.

Nice fresh water.

Lush green fern, everywhere.

Wombat's everywhere.

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