Sunday 1 October 2017

Munich - Germany.

And so we arrive in Munich, Germany's third largest city. This city is stunning, so much to see. The locals are friendly, the party has begun, as Oktoberfest has started and our hotel is one block away. All Nationality's want to stop and have a chat.
Oktoberfest began with the Royal wedding on the 12th October 1810. Crown Prince Ludwig, later to become King Ludwig 1, was married to Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen.

Monument outside the Rathaus.

Rathaus Marienplatz. (The largest moving clock in Germany).450 years old.

Us having our first German Beer.



Steve at the Karlsplatze fountain.

One of the four remaining gates to the city. (15,000 years old).

Main shopping street.

A Church.


Very pretty in the main shopping square.

I just love the way the buildings curve.

City Hall.

The rear of the city Hall.

St. Peters Church.

The market sign.

The Markets.

Cheese, Cheese and more cheese.

Just a walk way over the street.

A pretty archway.

Me with my shopping. 

The Residenz. (City Hall)

The Residenz.

The Residenz.

The General's monument in Odeonsplatz Square.

Frauenkirche 1468 in Odeonsplatz Square.

The entrance to the Hofgarten.

One of many paintings, near The Hofgarten.

The Hop's hanging from the ceiling.

King Ludwig 1 Monument. 

Fountain dedicated to fresh water being brought into the city.

Steve in his traditional costume.

Steve with his stein of beer.

Me in my traditional costume.

Traditional costumes everywhere.

Festzelt Tradition Tent 10am.

One of the many bands starting up.

The Police having fun as well.

Me and the dray.

How many Beers?

More Beer!

Only one size of beer here.

Still early.

Steve getting into the swing of things.

How do you do your shopping?

Taking the kids to the market.

More kids heading to the market.

We really love Munich and Oktoberfest is a must, the atmosphere is amazing, no trouble and great to dress in the traditional costumes and really feel part of it! Be prepared for large noisy crowds, all having fun.

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