Saturday 28 October 2017

Stanley to Cradle Mountain (1) Tasmania.

We leave stunning Stanley behind and head to Cradle Mountain via a winding road, steep and sharp bends, splendid scenery for me - not the driver! We stopped at Hellyer Gorge for a walk and coffee.

Hellyer Gorge.

Hellyer Gorge.

Hellyer Gorge.


It was about 2pm when we arrived at Cradle Mountain, so we caught the bus and did a quick walk, Lake Lilla Track to Wombat Pool Lake and look out.

Snow on the mountains.

Cradle Mountain & Dove Lake

Lilla Lake and Dove Lake behind.


Wombat pool Lake (and yes Wombat poo is everywhere).

Steve in front of Lilla  & Dove lake. 
Splendid Topography.

Steve, Lilla Lake & Cradle Mountain.

A Wombat having a scratch.

Pretty Wombat. 

Steve being silly with this extremely friendly Wombat.

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