Sunday 29 October 2017

Cradle Mountain (4) Tasmania.

Firstly it rained all night and cradle mountain had a light covering of snow. We wiz up to the Mountain for a quick picture, stopping on the return to do a quick 40min walk to Weindorfer's Lodge & rain forest walk.
Gustav Weindorfer born in Austria in 1874, he was an Australian amateur botanist, lodge keeper and promoter of Cradle Mountain National Park. His word's  "Cradle Mountain must be a National park for the people for all time"  You need to visit to appreciate the full history and story. Gustav was trying to leave Cradle Mountain on a motorbike in May 1932, struggling to start his motor bike, his heart gave in and he died.

A dusting of overnight snow.

Very pretty & more snow on it's way.

A bird?

The sun is shining.

Weindorfers Lodge.

Inside the lodge to learn about the history of Cradle Mountain.

The Bathhouse.

Weindorfers Forest Walk, strolling through the forest, we saw ancient King billy Pines, pandani and deciduous beech. The wild life is very active in this area.

A pretty stream.

Green moss carpets and trickling water all around.


The bridge that leads to Weindorfers lodge.

Surprise, another Wombat!!

A Wallabie.

A Tasmanian Pademelon .

Different Tree.

The rain is coming in fast.

Pencil Pine Falls & Rainforest Walk.
This circuit meanders through mature pencil pine & myrtle rainforest and ends near Pencil Pine Falls.

Pencil Pine Falls.

The Enchanted Walk.

This walk takes you from the bridge with cascading fall's, passing by cascades, pools,  button grass plains & rainforest, which includes waratah, mountain pepper and leatherwood. A stunning little walk. 

Rushing Cascades after heavy rain.


Gentle flowing in parts.

Lush Fern forest carpet. 

Fast flowing today.

Green & very wet.

A Wombat having a pee on the veranda, where we had stopped for coffee!!

The day was full of sun, lot's of rain, sleet, hail & was very cold. However we loved every minute of Cradle Mountain!!

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