Thursday 5 August 2021

Wullo River Sation 24- NT.

Day off and got invited out in the buggy to help move cattle. The buggy was tiny and we still got stuck a couple of times. Guests got to watch some action.

Cattle getting grain fed.

Sooooooo beautiful.

This one giving Ainslee a kiss.

Mmmmm I think your hat is edible.

Cattle Legs.

2 x blue guest Buggy's & Erin in one of the red ringers buggy. 

Getting the cattle to settle.

Disappearing into the long grass.


On the move.

Dusty in this paddock.

A good looking mob.

Ainslee & Cattle.

A big dust storm.

A wall of grass - goodness knows where the cattle are.

Boabs like it out here.

The cattle always head for the trees.

We are not to far behind.



Giddy up there slow coach.


Will we make it through???

Chasing up from the other side.


Buggy's waiting for the command.

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