Monday 2 August 2021

Wullo River Station 23 - NT. (Rodeo)

Time to head to the Camp Draft & Rodeo! It was exceptional with the quality of animals, riders, commentary & company.

Camp draft.

This Cowboy has this under control.

A bit of Barrel racing.

A lap of honour for the winner.

Heifer riding, ready to leave the shute.

Hold on!

Legs are not locked in??

This Heifer is a Hopper.

Our ringers behind the gate - Emily, Ainslee & Erin, trying to get a ride.

Pick up riders trying to set the Bronco free.

Ainslee- scrubs up well.

This whip cracker is on fire!

Great entertainment.

Pick up riders controlling this Bronco.

Tom(Our Heli Pilot) & Steve at drunk o clock.

Ainslee & Tom getting their grove on.

Dance time.

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