Sunday 1 August 2021

Wullo River Station 22 - NT.

A mixture of things happening at Bullo River...........

Our smoker is on the go.

Jason (Chef) cooking with wood......

Our old pig Wiggy got the chop.....

We now have 3 new little pigs, very cute.

The story of the three little pigs.

Lauren (Chef) cooking the staff BBQ.

I had some time before my shift, I went out with the ringers (Erin & Ainslee) to do some trough cleaning. It was pretty cold for the first couple of hours.

First trough done.

These weaners think if they follow us, they will get some grain - not on this run!

Mmmmm Fresh water in a clean trough -yummie!

Any grain for me?

Sunrise getting the horses in.

Rounding up the horses by buggy.

Hurry along now.

A spare hour spent in the water truck.

The truck driver Ainslee.

The dash board in the water truck.

Emily took me out on a horse ride.

Paper bark track.

Low tide at Bullo River.

Smooth as on the Bullo.

Emily on her horse "Tinks"

Thanks Emily a super 2.5 hour ride on Beacon for me, with a couple of canters. 


BBQ night for 30 staff & Guests at the big house.

Branding irons as table dec's - looks cool.

Beautiful Bullo Boab's  (Ashley's picture).

The three little pigs, story continues......

Once upon a time the three little pigs were joined by a fourth tiny pig. 

The fourth little pig, was not only tiny, he was also a strange black & white colour.

This fourth little pig was the most inquisitive of them all.

The fourth tiny pig, also became the boss as soon as he joined the other three little pigs!

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