Friday 21 July 2017

Canada Tour. Calgary to Claresholm (Alberta) (Approx 280 klm)

Took a steady drive from Calgary to Claresholm. It was pretty tricky getting out of Calgary as we just couldn't find any signs for Route 2 South. Eventually made it through Okotoks, High River, Stavely and to Claresholm. Found Pinky in town and it was very exciting for Pinky & Steve to meet up after 32 years. Meant with Pinkys wife Michelle, daughter Jeani and son Aiden. (A beautiful family).
Lots of stories were told of the old Army days. We had a BBQ on the deck with 'The Pinkertons' and their friends. A few beers were drunk and bed time for the boys was 3am. We also had a great out door fire. Temp today about 28.

Pinky & Bod

Having a cuddle.

The following day we sat on the deck outside, enjoying the sunshine, until the boys looked a bit better.  Steve & I took a drive further south to Fort Macleod, to the museum of the North-West Mounted Police.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are one of Canada's most recognized symbols. The mounted police were created in 1873, when Canadian Prime Minister John. A. MacDonald, proposed to the house of commons that a police force be established to bring order to the Canadian West.  The men built their first post on an island on the Oldman River and named it after the man that led them, Colonel James. F. Macleod.

The Fort.

Me taking a stroll.

We stayed to see the musical ride. One of the first NWMP riding demonstrations took place in Fort Macleod in 1876. The musical ride continues in the months of July & August. We were able to visit the horses and give them some treats after their hard work. A great afternoon out.

The Parade.

The maple leaf.


The musical ride begins.

The cross over.


Ready for the charge.

Pinky let Steve have a drive in his fantastic car.  After that Pinky & Michelle had friends over, whom went to the Golf Club with us for a meal, on the decking. Followed by a Fluffy takeaway. A great day with excellent company.

Steve having fun.


Super nice!

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