Friday 21 July 2017

Canada Tour. Claresholm - Edmonton (Approx 430 klm )

Michelle cooked us fluffy pancakes, which we had with Maple syrup for breakfast. It was a great way to finish our time with this fabulous family, lets hope its not another 32 years before we catch up.
We depart Claresholm to Edmonton and made really good time, except actually getting right in the city centre, we had several attempts from all different angels, eventually we made it to our hotel, 'The Sutton Place'  on 101 street, which was very nice. Edmonton has the largest North American shopping mall.

It was very windy and a storm is brewing.

Trans-Canadian train.

A new bridge being built.

The old bridge.

The Old & New.

Look at this bridge, for trains, trams & trucks.

The tram on top of the above bridge.

Coming in to Edmonton City. (Alberta).

The Copper in the shopping mall.

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