Sunday 16 July 2017

Canada Tour. Hinton to Banff (Approx 370klm)

Up early and on the road by 0715, left Hinton behind and travelled back into Jasper National Park, for our drive to Banff, through the Banff National Park. We hadn't been on the road long, when we came across our first of many Caribou. We had a walk at the very pretty Athabasca falls, stopped for coffee at Sunwapta Falls.
Rivers running below or beside us, while mountain ranges and valley views were all around us, Ice Glaciers, kicking horse River, Mt Kerkesin 2956m, Samson Pk 3081m, Mt Fryatt 3361m, Mt Brazeau 3470m, Mt Alberta 3619m, Sunwapta Pk 3315m, Anthabasca Glacier (Columbia Icefield), Mt Columbia 3747m, Saskatchewan River Crossing.

We saw our first Black Bear, just before Athabasca Glacier, we pulled over at a look out and there he was eating berries on the side, at times he would disappear and we could hardly see him, yet he kept returning. He was large and pretty scary.


This Caribou? had a baby behind the bushes.

Our first Black Bear.


Lots of trees & Peaks.

Bow River.

Athabasca Falls.

Athabasca Falls.


Athabasca Falls.

A rainbow at the falls.

Steve at the upper falls.

Steve at a wigwam/Teepee.

More ranges.

Icing on the cake.



Athabasca Glacier.

Look at the people walking on the Glacier.

Steve at the Columbian Icefield.

Me at the Columbian Icefield.

Hopefully everybody does what the sign says??

The river looks so small below.

Lake Louise.

Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise.

Lake Louise.

Steve with our hire car, heading down Kicking Horse Pass.

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