Friday 21 July 2017

Canada Tour. Edmonton - Dawson Creek. (Approx 630 klm drive).

Blimey very cold this morning, about 10 degrees. We depart Edmonton and head North-West, on the Alaska Highway.
Facts about the Alaska Highway-
- It's 1,523 miles or 2,450 km from Dawson Creek to Fairbanks.
- It has 133 Bridges. ( I took pictures of most of them!) lol!!
- It took 8 months & 12 Days to construct.
- It took 11,000 U.S troops & 16,000 American & Canadian Civilian's.
- It took 7,000 pieces of equipment.
- Opened to the public in 1948.

We had some heavy rain just after Edmonton, however the sky's cleared and the day warmed up to 25 degrees. Lunch at Whitecourt. Continued North West to Grande Prairie and on to Dawson Creek.
As we travelled we entered The Cree Nation, not sure if we are still in it.

The weather this morning.

Paddle River Dam Bridge.


The River.

Christmas trees for ever.

A Moose.

Brighter sky's and more trees.


The yellow fields.

Hills & Trees.



Fancy a truck outside your house?

The Giant Beaver at a town called 'Beaverlodge'


Back in B.C.

Tomorrow Prince George, only a short Drive.

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