Saturday 22 July 2017

Canada Tour. Dawson Creek to Prince George. (Approx 404 klm),

We visited the tourist information centre to check on routes as travelling to fire areas, the museum & Art Gallery.
It was sad to leave Dawson Creek behind, as it had a great feel to the town and was a great 'Outback town' as we know them.We pass over Pine River and many bridges, the scenery was spectacular. The town of Chetwynd appears with so many wooden statues, it was amazing. Logging is all around us. Trees and waterfalls keep the topography rolling along. McLeod Lake, followed by Bear Lake and Summit Lake and we swiftly arrive into Prince George.
A beer or two at Crossroads Brewery.(local). Another stunning day.


McLeod Lake.

Showers today!

Dolphin, Turtle& fish.

Wooden Statue.

Wooden log truck.


River Views.

A nice little bridge.

A little water in the creek bed.


Mountains lost in the clouds.

Another bridge.

McLeod Lake.

Beer Lake for a lunch stop.

The best room so far.

Crossroads Brewery Beer.

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