Saturday 29 June 2013

Arnhem Land 3.

First we went to the Yirrkala Art Centre, which was the best Aboriginal Art we have ever seen on our travels. Next we went to Goanna Lagoon & Latham River, unfortunately because they didn't get a proper wet season this year, there wasn't a lot of water in them, not enough to swim.
Whilst on our travels we saw an Aboriginal couple looking at a tree and decided to chop it down, We think it was for the art centre, well the bloke stood there, whilst the women got a long handle axe and chopped it down!!! It was funny!!!
Also the road sign's up here, if you come from the town centre, you can read the sign's, however if you come from the other direction, you can not read the sign's as they are all one sided!!
Friday we spend another day at the pool training. We went to the Gove SLSC after this and we both rowed, and it has been a couple of years since either of us have rowed. We both did well and relaxed afterwards at the BBQ which is a huge money earner for this club and a stunning setting!! We had a great night and this is a very friendly club!!
Saturday - we have purchased our first new tyre since being on the road, we have been doing a lot of 4 Wheel driving.
We were going  to patrol at the Surf Club tomorrow, how ever the beach is close due to "Sorry Business" (A local Aboriginal Doctor has died, who was Australian of the year a few years back, a very important fella).
Monday is a holiday here, oh yes that's correct, everyday is a holiday for us!!!


                              Someone else wants to come swimming with us!!

                                           Front wheel getting some air!!

This sign is for Andy our good friend, who sacked most of the people that worked here, when he was last in Nhulunbuy!!!!!

                                                   Steve in the bow.

                                                     Dee 2nd stroke.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Arnhem Land 2.

Sunday and we were on patrol at Gove SLSC. Guess what 0730 start and Steve is IRBD for a while until I take over. We had a kids carnival (like a club points day). There were waves and the kids all did really well. I did several can swims, after the kids had been in a while, just in case the croc was around!!
We did a flag's wheel barrow race and a one armed tube swim!!Very Funny!!! We had patrol drinks and what a lovely bunch of people.
By the way we are getting eaten to death by sand flies and it is not pleasant!!
Monday and the Croc is back swimming backwards and forwards across the bay.
Today we went to Merville Bay, which is home to the yacht club, next we went to Galuru (East Woody Beach) and onto Lombuy (Crocodile Creek).All extremely pretty, but no swimming for us!
Tuesday we visit Yirrkala (aboriginal settlement), which was quite nice, the airport is amazing and very clean and modern. Next Yarrapay (Rocky Point), Barinjur(Little Bondi), Numuy (Turtle Beach), Garanham (Maccassan Beach) & Binydjar (Daliway).
The bush out around these beaches is absolutely stunning!!
Wednesday, we went to the 50m outdoor pool, which is stunning and spend the day brushing up on our swimming.


                                              Merville Bay Yacht Club.

                                                    Little Bondi Beach.

                                  Heading to the beach, in the lush green bush.

                                                       Turtle Beach.

                             Steve at Daliwuy Beach where a 14 m Croc lives!!!

                                                Steve having a swim.

                                             Me having fun at the pool.

Oh yes, so now we have more permits, we had a permit to drive here, another to camp here, and Steve got a fishing permit and today he got a permit, so he could buy some beer! !!!!! It's so crazy!!

Friday 21 June 2013

Nhulunbuy. Arnhem Land.NT.

We arrive at Nhulunbuy and what a wonderful place, extremely pretty, very clean and now our camp site at Rainbow Cliff's. On arrival another camper stopped us and advised that a 3.5m salt water croc had been swimming in the bay and on the beach most of the day!!! Well, don't worry we won't be swimming here. Later that night guess what we saw..... yep the 3.5m Croc, the pictures don't show just how big he was, plus it was getting dark!!! Oh! & we camped on a cliff as Croc's can't climb!!!

                                                         Gove SLSC.

                                               Town Beach. Nhulunbuy.

                                         Can you see the Croc-Scary!!!!

                                             The view from my kitchen.

The other view from my kitchen. No wonder I am crap at cooking, I have better things to look at!!!!

                               The view of Nhulunbuy from the look out tower.

Gunga(Pandanus) Apparently good to eat, will let you know if we get hungry!!

                             Me on the beach at Banambarrna (Rainbow cliffs).

                                 Can you see our camp for the next few weeks.

                                                Our Camp for a while.

                                        This tree is hanging on by it's root's.

Oh, yes no where to wash the car here in Nhulunbuy, lucky for us they had a car wash on for charity!!! I don't think they quite expected anything so dirty!!!

                                    Steve giving his order's to wash the car!!!

                           Hurry up you lot, we have things to see, places to go!!!

                                           Rainbow Cliff's. (Banambarrna).

                            Steve at Rainbow Cliff's (yes he has a beard again)!!

After our Car wash this morning, we went to the markets and did a bit of shopping and watch some highland dancing!!

Katherine to Arnhem Land.

We left Elsey NP behind and headed to Katherine, on arrival we headed to the National Land Council to get permits to get to Arnhem Land. Now we have our permit, we are able to drive on the road to Nhulunbuy (North East Arnhem Land). The distant is 730klm to drive and our permit gives us 4 days to get there.  Once we arrived in Nhulunbuy we have to get another permit so we can camp, which we now have. When we decide to leave we have to get another permit, so we can drive on the road back to Katherine!!
I know I have said this before, however the scenery is to die for, absolutely stunning, it puts Kakadu to shame!!! We love it, we have seen wild Buffalo's, wild horses (55),we saw a snake which was a black headed Python, Cattle, Dingo's and the bird life is unbelievable, absolutely stunning!!!! In 730klm we only meant at most 20 vehicle's.
We love it!!!
There was several water crossing's, creeks, Little Goyder River crossing & Goyder River crossing, which was really deep- the camper trailer carpet only got a little wet!!!

                                         Steve near the start of our journey.

                                                           Water Lilly's.

                                              A small creek crossing.

                                               Our first Wild Buffalo!!!!

                                            The wild horses took off!!

Our Campsite for the night 400klm from Nhulunbuy, by a water hole. The first think I woke and saw was a Buffalo.....Scary!!!!!

      Goyder River Crossing. It doesn't look deep, it was a surprise to us to!!!!!

                         Yes, very deep in the Middle, where the trucks go through!!!

                               Look how big the Termite mounds are, out here!!

                                           Steve against the Termite Mound.

                                          What about this Termite mound!!

           Steve looking for somewhere to camp for the night... Not here it is a clay pan!!


Sunday 16 June 2013

Daly Waters & Mataranka.NT.

On our second day at Daly Waters - looked who rocked up..........
We had a night at Daly Waters pub, with Graham, Lisa & Helen, before moving on to Elsey National Park. We hired canoe's for the day, Helen & I went together and we kept telling the others there was something wrong with our canoe, as it would not go in a straight line!!!! The others of course did not believe us, so once we arrived at the falls, Graham & Lisa kindly swapped with Helen & I. Well......Surprise they both fell out the canoe for no apparent reason!!!! They also agreed the canoe was faulty!!!!!!
The scenery was so pretty and Helen & I think we saw more and got our monies worth!!!

    Helen, Lisa & me at Daly Waters Pub.(And no that is not my age on he table)!!!!

                              Steve & Graham enjoying a Beer. Daly Waters Pub.

                                Steve canoeing on the Roper River. Mataranka.

                                       Steve paddle boarding on his canoe!!

              Helen & I, zig, zagging across the Roper River to get to our destination!!!!

                          Graham & Lisa in their canoe!!!! Helen & I going straight!!!

                                   Graham, Lisa & Helen at the Roper River.

                                          Steve & I at the Roper River.

                                         Water Monitor, Roper River. NT.

                        Helen, Lisa, Graham & Steve, Bitter Springs, Mataranka.

                                        Ferrel Cattle at Elsey National Park.

                        Steve casting a line in, Roper River.(To cold for Barra).

                                                Sunset on the Roper River.

                                                       Roper River.