Tuesday 11 June 2013

Camooweal Caves National Park.QLD.

We left Mt Isa and headed to Camooweal Caves National Park. On route we saw 5 stock men on horseback with a very large herd of cattle!! (It was fantastic)!! Now we have left Queensland and are back in the Northern Territories. Well, what a little treasure this turned out to be. It seems all the caravan’s free camp along the river, together!! Because the drive out to the NP was 24klm on dirt road. We stayed for 2 nights and had a camp fire each night. This park consists of 13,800ha of semi-arid Barkly Tablelands, a very remote bush setting. The billabong had water in it, there were swans, Ducks, lots of Cattle.  

                                        Our Camp site and Steve on his canoe in the back ground.
Steve having a paddle.
Steve at the sink holes.
The Caves are sinkholes in the ground. Water has percolated through 500 million year old layers of soluble dolomite, creating caverns linked by vertical shafts up to 75m deep.
One of the Vertical shafts.
                                                            Me at Barkly Homestead.

Arrived at Barkly Homestead and you should have seen all the cattle trucks, they were in and out all afternoon, all fully loaded!!!
We left Barkly Homestead and headed to Cape Crawford & the Heartbreak Hotel. What a lovely drive (370klm). We saw thousands of cattle, kangaroo’s, Dingo’s, a cat that was alive and then it was dead (Bang)!!! Emu’s, Lots of Horses, Eagles, Hawks & grey long neck birds with the red bit on their cheek. What a lovely trip. Now at Heartbreak Hotel, they had a singer on Rob Dawcett who was extremely good, so we spend a couple of nights here, relaxing and enjoying the music.
Cattle Road Trains.
The cattle road trains, that go on forever.
Sunset at The Caves Waterhole Camp Area.
One of the Swans on the Waterhole.
Some of the Cattle at the waterhole.
A lazy day by the waterhole.
Our Sunday Roast, cooking in the camp oven.
Cattle in the distance, on the Plains heading to Cape Crawford.
 The Plains went on forever. 

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