Tuesday 11 June 2013

Daly Waters & Daly Waters Pub. Northern Territorys.

In 1862 John McDouall Stuart successfully crossed the continent from South to North and after finding water in this area, named it Daly Waters.(Named in honour of the Governor of South Australia, Sir Dominic Daly). Water was extremely important for the Drovers & their stock and Daly Waters, was the last watering hole before the Murranji Stock route. The telegraph line followed Stuart's route North and when the project fell behind, the pony express was brought in and carried messages from Daly Waters to Tennant Creek, until the telegraph line was complete.
Bill Pearce opened a "Drover's Store" which is known today as the Daly Water's Pub.
The Pearce family were responsible for feeding passengers & refuelling Aircraft at the Daly Water's Airfield for many years. Daly Water's was a major Air Force base during WW2 & the airfield was Australia's first international airport, when it opened it's hangar doors for the Australia to England air race.
Today Daly Water's historic pub, is a place to stop off, enjoy a cold beer & excellent live entertainment, visit the museum and buy some gifts.
Also we visited the old Post Office which is huge and the old cells, it's a shame it is all in great need of some TLC!!!

                                         A lovely Kookaburra we found down by the River.

            When the river was high they used this cage & flying fox to get goods across the river.

                                         The John McDonald Stuart Tree (stump) & Steve.

                                          Steve having a good time at the Daly Water's Pub.

                                                    Australia's first International Airport.

                            The Airport Terminal. A tin roof with wooden post's holding it up!!!

                                         The Bridge up high is for when the river is in flood.

                                                       Steve in the Daly Waters old jail.

                Steve in the Old Post Office. (Which would make an excellent restoration project).

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