Friday 21 June 2013

Nhulunbuy. Arnhem Land.NT.

We arrive at Nhulunbuy and what a wonderful place, extremely pretty, very clean and now our camp site at Rainbow Cliff's. On arrival another camper stopped us and advised that a 3.5m salt water croc had been swimming in the bay and on the beach most of the day!!! Well, don't worry we won't be swimming here. Later that night guess what we saw..... yep the 3.5m Croc, the pictures don't show just how big he was, plus it was getting dark!!! Oh! & we camped on a cliff as Croc's can't climb!!!

                                                         Gove SLSC.

                                               Town Beach. Nhulunbuy.

                                         Can you see the Croc-Scary!!!!

                                             The view from my kitchen.

The other view from my kitchen. No wonder I am crap at cooking, I have better things to look at!!!!

                               The view of Nhulunbuy from the look out tower.

Gunga(Pandanus) Apparently good to eat, will let you know if we get hungry!!

                             Me on the beach at Banambarrna (Rainbow cliffs).

                                 Can you see our camp for the next few weeks.

                                                Our Camp for a while.

                                        This tree is hanging on by it's root's.

Oh, yes no where to wash the car here in Nhulunbuy, lucky for us they had a car wash on for charity!!! I don't think they quite expected anything so dirty!!!

                                    Steve giving his order's to wash the car!!!

                           Hurry up you lot, we have things to see, places to go!!!

                                           Rainbow Cliff's. (Banambarrna).

                            Steve at Rainbow Cliff's (yes he has a beard again)!!

After our Car wash this morning, we went to the markets and did a bit of shopping and watch some highland dancing!!

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