Saturday 1 June 2013

Bedourie & Boulia.Qld.(Boulia also know as the Capital of the Channel Country).

After leaving Birdsville, we headed North (186klm) to Bedourie. Stopping at Carcory ruins on the way. Bedourie is famous for "The Mud Hut" & the Bedourie camp oven.
After a short stop at Bedourie, we kept travelling North to Boulia (190klm).
Boulia is famous for the "Min, Min Light"- this is a strange spectral light that can appear, hover, disappear & reappear with an eerie will of it's own. Most often described as a hoovering luminescent ball, the light has teased travellers, never approaching close enough to be clearly examined. Scientists are baffled to explain this Phenomenon!!! (Well, we will go to the pub later and see if this helps us to see "The Min, Min Light")!!!
At present we are camped on the Burke River. The town was established by the shop keeper Ernest Henry in 1876.

                                                              Me at Carcory ruins.

                                                           Steve at Carcory Ruins.

                                            Steve & his friend, who would not get of the road!!!

Steve at "The Mud Hut" built of mud by 4 shearers and later it became part of Kidman's Empire.

                                    Caught on camera, Steve coming out of the Bedourie pub!!

                                                  The Burke..................... River & Steve.

This table top Wagon was common place in the Boulia Shire at the turn of the century, used for carting wool & other goods along the Old Cobb & Co route.

                                                                 Windmill in Boulia.

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