Wednesday 5 June 2013

Mt Isa. Queensland.

Here we are at Mt Isa, we had heard a lot as everybody seems to pass through, so we have taken the time to stop and have a look. We went on a tour at the "Hard Time's Mine" which was excellent, if you have not been down a mine before. Steve & I got to play with some machinery down there, unfortunately no camera's are allowed down the mine. Mt Isa is a mining town established in 1923 by John Campbell Miles. Mt Isa was declared a city in 1968.
 We have also been in the underground hospital, which was built in 1942, as Mt Isa expected to get bombed. This was excellent and yet never used, but a great place to visit.

                                       The things you find growing on trees in the outback!!

                                                     Steve just before our mining tour.

                                                  One wing of the underground Hospital.

                                                                The maternity wing.

                                                                Me in the Men's wing.

                                                     Steve at the look out at Mt Isa.

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