Wednesday 26 June 2013

Arnhem Land 2.

Sunday and we were on patrol at Gove SLSC. Guess what 0730 start and Steve is IRBD for a while until I take over. We had a kids carnival (like a club points day). There were waves and the kids all did really well. I did several can swims, after the kids had been in a while, just in case the croc was around!!
We did a flag's wheel barrow race and a one armed tube swim!!Very Funny!!! We had patrol drinks and what a lovely bunch of people.
By the way we are getting eaten to death by sand flies and it is not pleasant!!
Monday and the Croc is back swimming backwards and forwards across the bay.
Today we went to Merville Bay, which is home to the yacht club, next we went to Galuru (East Woody Beach) and onto Lombuy (Crocodile Creek).All extremely pretty, but no swimming for us!
Tuesday we visit Yirrkala (aboriginal settlement), which was quite nice, the airport is amazing and very clean and modern. Next Yarrapay (Rocky Point), Barinjur(Little Bondi), Numuy (Turtle Beach), Garanham (Maccassan Beach) & Binydjar (Daliway).
The bush out around these beaches is absolutely stunning!!
Wednesday, we went to the 50m outdoor pool, which is stunning and spend the day brushing up on our swimming.


                                              Merville Bay Yacht Club.

                                                    Little Bondi Beach.

                                  Heading to the beach, in the lush green bush.

                                                       Turtle Beach.

                             Steve at Daliwuy Beach where a 14 m Croc lives!!!

                                                Steve having a swim.

                                             Me having fun at the pool.

Oh yes, so now we have more permits, we had a permit to drive here, another to camp here, and Steve got a fishing permit and today he got a permit, so he could buy some beer! !!!!! It's so crazy!!

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