Tuesday 21 November 2017

Cockle Creek - Tasmania

WHOW!!!!! This is an amazing place, canoeing, snorkelling, swimming, fishing, perfect for us and the weather is also fabulous at 29 degrees!
Last night we saw our first wild Tasmanian Devil, he looks sooooo healthy, haven't got a good picture yet, but am sure he will be back tonight!!

Firstly look how far we have to walk to our van! (Best ever FREE Camp) 

Steve canoeing/fishing.



Cockle Creek Bridge. 

A Port Jackson Shark. 

The Shark is off, but he comes back each evening, looking for dinner!!

See the sea mist rolling in?

A mill pond,

Sea mist in the mountains.

It's spooky at 1200 midday.

The cold sea mist on a 29 degree day. 

Stunning picture! 

Sunsets are a must.

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