Thursday 23 November 2017

Hastings Newdegate Cave & Thermal Springs - Tasmania.

This is one cave with several different chambers, absolutely beautiful and the guide was excellent and very informative. This cave is one of over 300 in this area. This cave is approximately 300 million years old.
The Thermal pool was excellent to relax and while away an hour or so. $24 each, was excellent value for money.
The Tasmanian Devil visit's every night, last night we sat out in the chair's and he got to close to comfort for me!

In the cave.


                                                              crystal formation

Can you see the Elephants? 

Me in the Thermal Springs.

A nice Ray trying to hide in the sand.

Very Pink last night over the ocean. 

Our Tasmanian Devil, who visit's the camp every night!

Mmmmm he thinks there is something in that bucket!

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