Friday 17 November 2017

Tahune Airwalk & Geeveston. Tasmania.

After rain all day yesterday, we had a lovely sunny day today. We headed out to the Tahune Air walk.  $29 each, excellent value for money. We walked above the forest canopy, had a close up look at giant tree's. We looked down where the Huon & Picton Rivers meet. This is a 600 metre walkway, which ends at a spectacular cantilevered platform, 50 metres above the riverbank. Views extend to the mountains of the Tasmanian wilderness world heritage area.
We also did a 3km walking track along the banks of the Huon River, its dark tan like colour flowing along. We saw a Tasmanian Tiger Snake. We also had to contend with 2 long swinging bridges, one over the Huon and one over the Picton River's.  Next was the Huon Pine walk, a very pretty walk with lots of Huon Pine to look at. A fabulous day!

Steve on the Air Walk.

Not a lot holding this up. 

Me very scared.

A way to go yet.

The Huon River.

Tanned colour waters of the Huon River.

The Cantilever. A bit bouncy.

Cantilever, Huon River & Mountains.

Steve moving a log, so I could walk through.

Tasmanian Tiger Snake, sunning himself.

The first swing bridge over the River Huon.

Me taking my time.

Not a lot of water in this part.  

Steve on the second swing bridge over the Picton River.
The Picton River. 

Me making a run for it.
The ruins of Constable Francis Mcpartlan's 1870 house.

The Huon River.

A Huon Pine.


On our return journey we stop off at Geeveston, which is know as the Forest Town, many forestry logging coupes can be found around the outskirts of Geeveston. We visited the Geeveston museum, wandered around the town, reading all the plaques & statue's.

Steve in Geeveston museum.

Steve giving the girl a kiss!

Just pretty.

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