Tuesday 21 November 2017

Huon Show (Huon Valley) Tasmania.

A country show is on, so of course we have to go. An excellent country show, lots of animal's to look at, show jumping, dressage, the ute parade and I particularly enjoyed the shire horse's!  lot's to look at. The weather was probably a bit warm 28 and very little shade.

                                                                      Huon Show.

Gorgeous colour.

A perfect pair.

Cute as.

Come on you awkward old xxxxxxx!

Pretty eyes!

What's going on, I can't see a thing?

A favourite of mine. (Reminds me of my Grandad)

Happy as!

This was a young one training and he was a bit gun hoe!

An old ute.

A wood steam engine.

This old ute was amazing!

Look it even has a dart board on the back! lol

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