Monday 13 November 2017

Penstock Lake Central Highlands - New Norfolk. Tasmania.

We spend a lovely couple of days out at Penstock Lake relaxing, being annoyed by Possum's in the night!
We left Penstock and took a leisurely drive to New Norfolk, this is a very pretty area, with the Derwent River running through it, We had a bit of a clean up, got some supplies, as it is 31 today, spend some time canoeing on the river and a bit of a swim, but very cold with no wet suit.

Penstock Lake.


New Norfolk walk.

New Norfolk Look Out.


Views from the Derwent River.

Steve having fun.

A bit of a gorge.

The view from the Derwent.

Our Lotus at penstock lake.

Steve looking for treasure. on a 31 degree day!

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