Sunday 15 September 2013

Cooktown 2. (Including Hog Hunt).

On to the original Hospital, the Botanical Gardens(1770), and “THE HOG HUNT” at “THE TOP PUB” (fantastic atmosphere), followed by the James Cook museum & a swim in the pool.   What a fantastic day, we love Cooktown!!
Ok the ”Hog Hunt…. Well they get from Friday night to Sunday arvo (1-3pm) to catch & weigh in the hogs, you can have teams of 4 or single hunters. Prize's are given for the heaviest Boar, heaviest Sow, the most hogs & the best ute.   All hogs have to be gutted (which is approximately 25% of their body weight).   The heaviest this year was 79kg, apparently they were all smaller this year, normally they are around 90 to 100kg!!   They had a forklift & crane to weight the hogs and a 16 tonne truck to dump the hogs in after being weighed.  It was excellent to be part of this day, a very Aussie bush tradition in Cooktown!!  The atmosphere was electric, the “Top pub” was buzzing, the band was loud, the snag sizzle was on the go (Couldn’t fancy one myself as the smell was horrific) & the Bush boys take it all very serious and were very nervous!!
The old Hospital build in 1879, and re-located in 1970.
Steve at the old hospital, notice the beams on the outside.
Me at the old hospital.
One of many pretty Butterflies at the Botanical Gardens. What looks like white was a pretty blue.
Red Ginger.
Shell Ginger or Hawaiian Ginger.
Bamboo Orchid.
Cascara bean Or Golden Shower. (Steve called it a sausage tree).
Another Butterfly with bright blue dots. (Butterflies are very difficult to photograph).
Hogs brought in by the ute load, ready for the weigh in!!
Have a look at this pretty boy!!
Weigh in.
Weigh in.
After weigh in, the hogs get dumped in the truck.
The truck load of hogs at the rear of the pub. (Smelly).
Steve at the Top Pub (Built in 1875).
Me at the James Cook Museum - originally a Convent School build in 1889.
The Anchor & Cannon from the HM Bark Endeavour 1770.
Lobster Claw.
A Great Egret.

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