Wednesday 4 September 2013

The most Northerly point of Australia. (Cape York 3).

Last night Steve saw a rare possum a Mahogany Glider and a wild/ferrel horses just wander through the camp!!  Cape York is the most Northerly point of Australia mainland, it is approximately 10 degrees south of the equator and 180km to Papua New Guinea, it is exhilarating to stand at the "Tip" of Australia!  We drove through Lockerbie scrub, stopping off at The Croc Tent for souvenirs.  Lockerbie was pioneered by Frank Jardine, who was granted the lease as his reward for the epic feat of over landing a mob of cattle from Rockhampton to Somerset in 1864/65.  We pass Paijinka Lodge abandoned buildings.  We reach the "Tip" pictures will speak for themselves.  Onto Punsand Bay for a nice relaxing lunch.  Possession Island is 2km of the peak, it was here on the 22nd August 1770 that James Cook stepped ashore and raised the English flag.  Onwards to Somerset Beach, Albany Passage, Fly Point & lastly (for today) WWII plane Wreck of a DC3 that crashed in May 1945 killing all six on board.

We saw this out bush & it looks like a Turkey, so we are guessing it's a Bush Turkey?
The rain on our day off at Mistake Creek.
Jardine Ferry.
Jardine River.
The view from our campsite (Loyalty Beach).
Steve finds himself a ship wreck.
Loyalty Beach.
The restaurant we would like to visit, if the wind stops blowing at 25knots!!
Another ship wreck waiting for Steve.
Lockerbie Station (Our new home if we don't look for work soon).
Nearly at the "Tip", Cape York.
2720km to Adelaide & 14300km to London. 
Steve at the "Tip".
Me getting blown away at the "Tip".
We made it!!
Steve extremely happy.
Well worth the trip.
Look, even Lizard Lisa made it to the "Tip".
Punsand Bay.
Somerset Beach.
Possession Island & Albany Passage.
Steve at Fly Point.
Remnants of the first Northern settlement in the 1850's.
Got caught in a bit of a bush fire on our return journey.
This was a very large tree, the yellow flowers are soooo pretty, any ideas what it is?
DC3 Plane wreck. Crashed in May 1945. 

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