Friday 13 September 2013

Weipa to Cooktown.

We leave Weipa behind & travel over Myall Bridge.  Next a girl on a quad bike with five dogs is taking a small herd of cattle up the track.  We carry on passing many Euro Wallabies, cattle, horses & birds.  In & out of Quarantine again.   We stop at Archer River roadhouse for breakfast and on to Coen Museum which was very informative and well kept.   1.30pm and we decide to camp at Musgrave Station, which had horses, foals, cattle, calves, lots of bird life & Crocodiles (only freshies).  Lazy afternoons watching the world go by.
A fresh coconut we found in Mapoon.
Myall Bridge. Queensland seems to have a lot of these old wooden bridges.
A jillaroo moving a small mop of cattle, with the help of her 5 dogs.
Come on you lot move along now!!
Three headed Ore crusher from the gold mine days. (Coen Museum).
A steam engine. (Reminded me of the steam engine rally's they used to have in the UK).
Coen Museum, well worth a look.
Masked Lapwing (Masked Plover or a Spur-winged Plover).
A young foal at Musgrave.
This looks like a nice Lagoon, I wonder if we can swim in it???
Oh, look what is in the Lagoon & we counted at least another six.
From Musgrave Station we took the road out to Lakefield (Rinyirru) National Park, this was an excellent drive, with many short stops to look at points of interest and the wildlife we saw: Brolgas, Bustards, Kookaburra’s, Egret, Skinks, Red tailed black Cockies, Sulphur crested Cockies, Skinks, Cattle, Wallabies, Magpie Geese, Cranes, Jesus Birds, pied cormorants, whistling ducks & Bush pheasant.  Although this part of Queensland never had much of a wet last year, they still have plenty of lagoons with water in them.
Today we waved to at least 20 cars heading North and no one waved back, Queenslanders seem to be very sad people L  All the way down, we are back to one sided signposts (what is that all about?).  We may have wanted to turn off to Hope valley, no sign our side!!! 
Breeza Homestead, Historical sight.(Lakefield N.P).
Breeza Lagoon. Lakefield N.P.
Red Lilly Lagoon.
Magpie Geese. (Red Lilly lagoon). Lakefield N.P.
A Brolga in the distance.
White Lilly Lagoon. (Lakefield N.P.)
Old Laura Homestead. (Lakefield N.P.)
Steve in the old workshop.
Steve found himself a new truck. (New to the owners of the Homestead in 1947).
It is starting to get very hilly, now as we are nearly at Cooktown.

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