Friday 20 September 2013

The Bloomfield Track & Cape Tribulation. (Including Horse Riding).

Cooktown is behind us and we stop and take a look at the Black Mountain (Very Unique).  We move on to The Lion’s Den (an old pub), we had a good look round here and the camping looked excellent, with swimming in the river.  We carry on along the Bloomfield Track passing some broken down vehicle’s, the hills (1.3 gradient) seem to be one after another and roll on, up & down forever; every now and then you get glimpses  with stunning view’s, most of the time we are just checking out the rain forest, stunning!!   We pass through Cedar Bay National Park, Cape Tribulation National Park and Donovan Range.  At the top of Donovan Range we meet 2 vehicles with trailers, warning us about their mate coming up and he is really struggling!!   Ok we begin our descent and near the bottom we meet the other 2 vehicle’s the one at the rear (100 series Land cruiser) had his trailer across the road!! (What a position to get in).  Still the other vehicle had a snatch strap and was trying to pull the other car & trailer up the hill!! We couldn’t understand why the 2nd vehicle didn’t take the trailer up for the Land Cruiser……… Still we nearly shouted, you want to get yourself a Mazda!!! But we know Toyota drivers don’t have a sense of humour.   We had no problems (even without trailer breaks) and we don’t really know what all the fuss was about, unless you’re a bad driver it’s really easy!! The track was very scenic. We did see several large Monitors on the track. We did a big drive today 72klm.
The Black Mountain.
Steve at The Lion's Den Pub.
Me at the pub with this strange hanging plant.. it didn't look real.
This was off the tree, A cannon Ball tree!!
So pretty.
A glimpse of the scenery on the Bloomfield Track.
Bloomfield River.
One of the bridges we crossed.
The dust on the track can not escape.
A beach beside the Bloomfield track.
The tide is out.

We arrive at Cape tribulation and check into Pk’ s Jungle Village  (What a big mistake that was, its full of bongo’s and back packers and the pub just party’s on).  Now everybody knows we are not into that anymore!!!  Still the pool is great!! We book ourselves a horse riding trek called……wait for it……. Cape Trib Horse Rides!!  We book on the experienced ride for 3 hours and a swim in the middle.  Steve’s horse was call “Hell boy” and my “Oscar”.  So we meander our way through the Oldest Living Rain Forest in the World, through crystal clear mountain streams, paddocks, Coco plantation, river beds and onto Cape Tribulation pristine Beach.   We rode along the water’s edge with Cape Tribulation in the foreground, the ocean to our right, the rain forest and mountains to our left… breathtaking!!  We had at least eight canters.  We also had a swim and lunch at our own private water hole!!  Oh yes whilst we were swimming we could see the fish (Jungle Perch) about 6-8inches long, we then saw a bigger one about 20inches and whilst I was taking a picture of Steve, the fish got hold of my middle finger, well you never saw us move so fast… we were out of there!!!!  A very special day, particularly as we were the only two on the ride!!  I also had a Jackaroo/Bronco Riding/Horse Breaker/Drover giving me riding tips all the way!!  It is also very difficult to take photos whilst riding.
Cape Tribulation. (Stupid bush is in the way).
Look at the size of these leaves.
Steve on Cap Tribulation Beach, with Cape Trib behind him.
Cape Trib Beach with the tide out.
Me on the board walk - Cape Trib.
A Brown Cuckoo-dove.
Steve in the pool at PK'S.
We love the fan palm's.
This leaf is ready to uncoil.
Steve's on Hell Boy!!
A very cloudy day, which made riding cooler.
Steve on Cape Trib Beach - with the tide in.
Steve & Hell boy on Cape Trib Beach.
Us on Cape trib beach.
Me & Oscar, Steve & Hell Boy - Cape Trib Beach.
A water hole on our ride with Crocs.....
Steve letting Hell Boy have a feed.
Steve heading in to the Rain forest.
Definitely in the Rain Forest Now!!
Me at the swim hole.
Steve in the swim hole.
The Jungle Perch that bit me!!
Me & Oscar ready to go after my swim.
Me & Oscar.
Me in heaven on a horse with a Coco plantation beside me!!
How green is that grass?
Look at them clouds.
Rows of Coco plants.
Here we come tired & saddle soar!!
Back at the stables & Steve has some new friends.


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