Sunday 22 September 2013

Port Douglas & Mossman Gorge.

We were last in Port Douglas ten years ago and boy did we get a shock when we drove in!! It has expanded beyond belief, still a very pretty place to stay for a while.  We have spend time on the beach, Steve has canoed round the harbour & we have spent lots of time looking in shops.... a real novelty for us!!

Port Douglas Marina.
The Old Wharf.
The Sugar Cane Juicer at the Sunday Market.
Steve buying his fresh prawns straight from the trawler. $14 a kilo.
Port Douglas Steam Train.
Steve heading off for a paddle.
Port Douglas.
The Old Wharf.
Steve under the jetty & a passing yacht.
Steve under the jetty.
Port Douglas Marine.
An old yacht wreck - what a waist!!
Mossman Gorge is in the Daintree National park.  On arrival we went to the Mossman Gorge information centre. Now I said to the lady behind the counter "we just want to walk the gorge" meaning we didn't want to do a guided tour.  She points us in the right direction and off we go, however it is a 2klm walk to get to the gorge or apparently you can take a shuttle bus, which she didn't offer us??? We were the only ones that walked!! Once we had done all the walks and had a swim in the extremely cold water, Steve said lets get the bus back, so on we hop and then the driver asked us for our tickets, well we had none and he wouldn't let us pay when we got back, so we got kicked of the bus & had to walk!!! Steve blamed me and was not amused!! 
A natural fern basket - Mossman Gorge. 
Steve at Mossman Gorge.
Steve at one of the many lookouts.
Steve on the suspension bridge that moved a lot.
Manjal Dimbl (The Peak).
Steve in the jungle.
A very pretty creek.
The tree roots (buttress's) are so large, because they are in the rain forest and need massive buttress's to stop them falling over in the wet. 
Steve going for an extremely cold swim.
Steve swimming with the Jungle Perch.
These Jungle Perch didn't seem to bite.
Look at these hills.
A closer view of one of the hills.
A Butterfly.
Mossman Gorge is all boulders - keeps the crocs out!!
Daintree Inn at Mossman, sadly abandoned now.
Out the back of Mossman, Sugar Canes with stunning Hills.
Cooya Beach - where these local aboriginal children were learning to hunt (Fish) and the elders teach them how to cook traditionally. Steve had a long chat with an Elder. No swimming here as it is a Croc beach with lots of mangroves.

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