Sunday 2 May 2021

Wullo River Station 1 - NT.

Wullo River Valley Station was originally a grazing licence held by Connor, Doherty & Durack.  The lease was taken over by Raymond, Barbara Locke & their four children  in 1960. Due to poor health Raymond was permitted to quit the lease early and it was taken up by Charles Henderson in 1963.
In 1965 the Henderson family started setting up home at Bullo River Station. The infrastructure at this time was a gravel air strip, a caravan and a tin shed constructed by Charles for his families arrival.

A Possum in Katherine.

The new car is looking a little dirty.

Driving in, looks pretty.

A Black Bittern.

Getting a bit rougher on the drive in to Bullo.

Water crossings, just keep coming.

Bull dust behind us.

Heading on to the jump up.

Brahman cattle.

The drive in to Wullo River Station is only 75k, however it takes two hours.

Relaxing at the pool for sunset.

Day off.

This was a pig in a puddle, until he saw us.

Who's on my road? said the Brahman Bull.


Another water crossing.


A baby calf, probably 2 days old.

Yellow Lilly's that looked like Buttercups.

Pink & White Lilly's.

Beautiful Boabs.

Mum of the calf.

Driving in - the grass is pretty high.

Pink perfection.

Blues & Greens.

One of the Aboriginal Art sights. 

A natural window.

Steve grinding some herbs.

Looks like a good place to sleep.

The over hang.

Wild flowers are amazing.

The view from the rock art.

Stunning topography.

In the wilderness.

Storm clouds are building.

Delicate yellows.

Wonderful, wild whites.

Off roading.

Pops of colour.

More yellows.


Emu's near the ranges.

Dad & five chicks.

Marles Bath.

Beautiful location for a swim.

Steve having a swim.

The rain came.

Pandanus flat.

Rayners camp is named after Ernie Rayner who was the head stockman at Bullo 1962.
Rayners camp is the staff & contractors camp.

The rains in camp.

The school house & Gym.


School room.

Staff parking.


Laundry, TV room, Toilet Block and kitchen/dinning room.

Heading for dinner.

Sandi, Shelia & Kate heading home from work.

The poddy calf enclosure.

The Tack Room.

The chickens were brought inside as a snake took a liking to them.


Boab Nut.

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