Sunday 2 May 2021

Wullo River Station 4 - NT.

More pictures of the beautiful Wullo River Station.......

Misty morning walk.

Morning colours.

Colours of the sunrise.

Eating dinner between the Boabs.

Part of the huge homestead.

Boab Nuts.

Dinner is set - awaiting guests.

Cloudy Sunset.

Wines on Ice.

Acres & acres of space.

Steve relaxing by the pool.

Buffalo running.

Donkeys trying to hide in the scrub.

This young mob running scared.

Ridges & Escarpments.

The topography is incredible. 

A reluctant to move - water Monitor.

NT to WA Border crossing, G2G pass needed. 

1.5 hour time difference.

The pump house.

A water way connected to the Ord River.

Kunnara Lake.

Boab Tree.

A long drive way.

Donkeys in the long grass - are hard to spot.

Moving along.




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