Monday 3 May 2021

Wullo River Station 9 - NT.

Life continues on this outback station, never a dull day in my eyes.......

I had a day off, so went on the bore run with Steve, to see more of this property.

Steve checking Bore One.

It's a long & dusty road.

The pipe to Julien's Bore.

A hot walk - but worth it.

Amazing look out at Julien's Bore.

Tree's, Bush, dust and who knows what else?


Julien's Bore.

A very slippery slide down. It looks steeper than it is, that's why we had to walk up.

Heading out to Bore Number 2.

6 Mile.

One of the ringers fixing fences.

The grader driver is clearing the tracks.

More big Boab tree's.

Cattle trying to hind in the scrub.

Old Wullo gates.

The weeds are terrible out here.

Bore number 2 - filled in 24 hours.

Steve checking the depth.


Me having bush smoko.

Checking the oil is good.

Thirsty work out here.

Six mile.

2 x Jabiru (Black necked stocks) and 2 x Great Egrets.

Jabiru's & Egret

They are off!

They don't move far.

Low tide.

Make sure we hit the gap, that's where the road is.

The bore run involved 3 Boars, I know there are many more boars on the property and am sure I will get to visit them, at some point during my stay. We will need to move the cattle from paddock to paddock, as the dry set's in.

Another day off for me, so I visited the pig & chickens.

Wiggy the pig!

Wiggy loves all the left overs.

Wiggy being taken for a run.

In the chuck house.


Low tide, all quiet on the river.

Rocky ripple's.

Why do the big bull's always hang out by the gate.

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