Sunday 2 May 2021

Wullo River Station 2 - NT.

   Animals, Insects and scenery............

Praying mantis..

Another praying Mantis.

Its a big flood today, still we need to get to work.

A big  Orb Spider. 

Part of the meat works.

The creek is flowing fast today.

Our road to work.

The bridge needs to be higher.

Our day off- we volunteered for extra duty's!

We headed to the Auvergne Station, which is next door to Wullo River Station (It also used to be part of Wullo Station), which means our 75k driveway (2.5 hours), 50k East along the highway and Auvergne's Station 10k driveway and return.
Our day out was full of water crossings & wild life. We did get invited to have lunch at Auvergne station, which was great!

Steve driving, me opening gates.

First small water crossings.

Bull's butting heads!

Looking for the Max tracks.

Karla got bogged, she got herself out with the help of her winch.

Nearly out.

Locked in!

Emus making for the bush.

Love to see the elegant Emu's.

A bigger, deeper water crossing.

The creeks are running fast.

Another crossing, lets hope we stay on the road.

Water wash.

This water crossing is not to bad.

Hanging out on the Highway. Sunshine behind Steve.

Rain behind Steve.

A Moth.

Wild flowers.

Wild flowers.

This storm is getting closer.

Here comes the rain.

Flooded Rivers.

Storm clouds building.

Karla slip sliding around.

That's what I saw out of my window! lol

That's a lot of water.

Pretty Streams.


The Jump up.


The Guest accommodation.

Wullo River.

Loaded up.

Get of the track.

More cattle.

Water Monitor

Look at this fat Moma - she didn't want to move.

Off she goes.

Having a little swim.

More rain whilst we were gone.

Hold on for a fast, slippery, bumpy ride!!!

The coach party never made it! lol

See the rain on our drive - just where we don't need it.

As it's raining we had to put all bags in the front with me.

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