Monday 3 May 2021

Wullo River Station 10 - NT.

More opportunity's present themselves.........

Steve doing the supply run, along day 7am and back at 7pm. 

I have a day off, so head out with Steve. We have to cross the NT/WA border, manage 1.5 hour time difference, complete our G2G pass due to Covid. Have a full check for fruit, veg etc.

The mist sits on the grass/weed top.

The sun is up as we head out the first set of gates.

Heading in with the Land drover and a long trailer.

Misty sunrise.

We have the kit for the trip.

Heading to town.

Steve tightening the straps all ready.

I particularly like the axe & shovel on the bonnet.

My view for the day.

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