Sunday 2 May 2021

Wullo River Station 7 - NT.

Time for Steve & I to explore the gorge, it was very warm on the river, no air movement. The gorge was very pretty. We broke down, I paddled to keep us out of the bushes, Steve fixed the problem, so we made it home safely.



Wullo Gorge.

Waterfall entering the gorge.


What can you see in this rock?

Steve fixing the motor.

Lovely Lillie's.

Delicate water flowers.

Lush greenery hanging onto the gorge.

2nd fault.

Sand bars.

Tempting to go for a paddle, however something might be lurking!

Balls of palm.


Big rocks.

Lunch stop in the shade.

The roots clinging to the rock face, where the water flows.

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