Tuesday 25 May 2021

Wullo River Station 13 - NT (Muster Part 1))

My time in the cattle yards helping the team..........

The Hydraulic crush.

Praying Mantas.

I took a trip with some of my colleagues, to the Eco huts. 

Bull dust on the drive.

2nd ute following.

Tim & Sheila.

Still a little water and a few cattle.

Lake Lesley.

West end of Lake Lesley.

The East end of Lake Lesley.

Our stunning topography.

Not a bad place to take a break.

One of two Eco Hut's.

Utes & Escarpments.

Night fall.

The cattle watching us, watching them!

Sheila & Loren, having sunset drinks.

The muster was coming in, horses front & rear, helicopter. Steve & I got to go in a buggy and hide in the bushes, as 1200 (to be confirmed) cattle crossed the Bullo River.

They are going to fast.

Getting up some speed.

Trickling in from all ways.

The ringers back after a very long day in the saddle.

Marking his territory.

Leaving his scent.

That's the boss trying to slow the cattle down.

Hard work for the horses on the rock river bed.

Still trying to slow the cattle, but the rush is on and the are past boss at a gallop!

Stockmen trying to hold them.

Cattle rush!

Let them go!

The rush & dust in the back ground.

Some are trying to hide in the high weed.

They get a surprise when they see us.

Still coming thick & fast.

The Boss watching the Cattle cross the Bullo.

Rest break.

Such a pretty face.

Whoooo their girl.

Some are quite relaxed and having a little drink.

Young horse - loving all the action.

Cow girl.

More ringers bringing up the rear.

Back to Bush Bashing in the Buggy.

The ringers are tailing.

Steve holding the poddy in the back of the buggy.

Off loading the poddy.

Erin with a poddy.


They look pretty relaxed.

Helicopter is still buzzing around.

Part Two to follow.

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