Sunday 2 May 2021

Wullo River Station 6 - NT

Day off..... there appears to be some action in the cattle yards, up 0600 to take a look and see our ringers in action.........

The sun coming up behind the old cattle trailer.

Some cowboy heading to the yards.

Sunrise, probably the only one I will see.

Sunrise on the yards.

Viewing plateform in the yards.

Ainsley (Ringer) warming up her horse.

Erin mounting.

Pushing a small group of cattle in.

Emily trying to saddle up & her horse knows he is missing some action in the paddocks.

Here they come .Looks all under control.



Round em up ringers.


Open the gate.

Joe sorting the Wagu from the Brahman.

Here they come.

Joe telling the ringers - what will happen.

Dusty day in the yards.

Jeff the plumber on the digger.

Smoko time.

Erin. (Ringer)

Ainsley & Erin -ringers working in sync.

In sync around the yards.

Ainsley straightening her hat.


The Owner.

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