Sunday 2 May 2021

Wullo River Station 8 - NT

Bruce on the dump truck.

More work going on in the cattle yards, Steve is working, so I will head over and see what's happening.

Dusty in the yards.

These having been keeping everyone awake all night.

Boss drover telling young Richard what he needs to do.

Erin pushing the cattle up.

There's a lot happening here, getting the cattle in the cradle. Ear tagging, Branding, De-horning & castrating. 

This one nearly jumped straight through the cradle, all hands on deck to keep it in.

Joe working the cradle.

What just happened? I am out of here.

Smoke from the branding.

Hang on to that leg gal!

Thirsty work in the yards.

Coming round again - now for tick spray.

Looks messy after de- horning.

I feel like I have a hole in my head.

Spurting blood.

The branding looks clear.

The genie plug caught on fire - I know a man that can fix that. 

Early smoko whilst the genie was fixed by Steve, after which the tick spraying was completed.


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